Journal-specific and general guidelines for authors

Editorial policy

The journal follows the Springer Nature Peer Review Policy, Process and Guidance, Springer Nature Journal Editors' Code of Conduct, and COPE's Ethical Guidelines for Peer-reviewers. Approximately less than 5% of the manuscripts are rejected without review based on formal criteria as they do not comply with the submission guidelines. Each manuscript is assigned to at least one peer reviewer. The journal follows a single-blind reviewing procedure. The period from submission to the first decision is up to 2 month. The approximate rejection rate is 10%. The final decision on the acceptance of a manuscript for publication is made by the Meeting of the Members of the Editorial Board.

If Editors, including the Editor-in-Chief, publish in the journal, they do not participate in the decision-making process for manuscripts where they are listed as co-authors.

Special issues published in the journal follow the same procedures as all other issues. If not stated otherwise, special issues are prepared by the members of the Editorial Board without guest editors.

Journal-specific guidelines

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the samples of manuscripts and follow the format that most closely matches the subject of the manuscript. Please note also that the style of references to cited literature may vary from one journal to another. Please choose the style appropriate for the journal to which you are planning to submit a manuscript. Please consult the guidelines for authors or the editor when necessary.

Copyright transfer agreement

A completed copyright transfer agreement (in Russian or English) should be submitted together with the manuscript through the Editorial Publishing System or via e-mail, if a journal is not registered in this system.

Instructions for Authors    

Publishing Ethics